How to Pick a Lock with a Pencil

There are various methods for picking a lock. Some of these include items you can find around the house, such as a knife, paper clips, a power drill, etc.

But have you ever tried to pick a lock with a pencil and a little bit of effort? Opening a lock with a pencil is actually far easier than you imagine. And in this article, we’ll show you why you should learn lock picking and what a pencil can do to help you with stubborn locks.

How to Pick a Lock with a Pencil – What You Will Need to Follow This Method

You’ll need the following items to follow this method correctly: Your door key, and a pencil. Although it may seem very difficult, following this method will be much easier than you expected. You only need two items to get started.

The steps below will show you how to accomplish the task. We think you’ll be able to complete the entire process in just a few minutes.

  • You will need a sharp pencil. Rub its head on the teeth of your key until it is completely covered with graphite. Ensure that the powder is distributed evenly throughout your key.
  • It is recommended that you apply a thick coating. After that, insert your key into the lock and turn it to deposit graphite into it.
  • Repeat the rubbing a few times more if needed to help your key slide in smoothly.

Why Learn Lock Picking?

Why would you want to learn to pick locks? Picking locks is fun and challenging at the same time. Sometimes this skill is useful if you lock yourself out of the house without your front door key.

People all over the world are interested in this craft and work on it as a hobby. With the many lock-picking tutorials online, you can learn how to pick a lock without having to pay any money. If you’re skilled enough, you might not have to hire a locksmith to work on your doors.

What Can a Pencil Do for Locks?

Some things just go together. For example, locks and graphite. But you can get the same effect with a pencil instead. Use a pencil to lubricate your locks. Make sure your locks are dry and clean.

Is It Legal to Pick Locks?

The legal status of picking a lock depends on the jurisdiction where you live and operate. For example, picking locks is illegal in California and New York, but legal in many other places.

However, you should only pick your own locks. Do not tamper with other people’s properties.

What household items can you pick a lock with?

In addition to household items like bobby pins, paper clips, and even hairpins, there are other items that can be used to pick locks. While these may not be the most ideal tools for the job, they can certainly get the job done in a pinch. With a little patience and some practice, you should be able to pick most locks using these common household items.

If you are looking for something more specialized, there are a number of tools that you can purchase to help with lock picking. These tools may be a bit more expensive than the household items mentioned above, but they can also be much more effective at helping you pick a lock quickly and easily. Some of these tools include lock picking guns, tension wrenches, and even lock picking kits. With the right tools, you should be able to pick just about any lock in no time at all.

Whether you rely on household items or specialized tools, it is important to practice using them regularly. This will help build your skill level and ensure that you are always prepared when faced with a locking situation. So whether you find yourself locked out of your home or car, or if you are looking to break into someone else’s property, there is always an option for picking a lock. With the right tools and some practice, you should be able to pick any lock in no time at all!

How do you pick a lock with a knife?

You can pick a lock with a knife in a few different ways. One of the most common methods is to use a paperclip or bobby pin to create an improvised tension wrench, which you can then use in conjunction with the knife blade to manipulate the pins within the lock and successfully unlock it. This process requires some practice and patience, but it is certainly possible to pick a lock using only a knife.

It is also possible to manipulate the pins directly within the lock by using the knife blade as a tool. As you can imagine, this can be quite a bit more difficult, because you need to have a very steady hand and apply just the right amount of pressure to the pins. If you practice enough, it may still be possible to successfully pick a lock using only a knife with some practice.

How can I protect my home against lock picking?

If you want to help keep your home safe from lock picking, you can take a few steps. A good lock for your doors and windows is one of the most important security measures you can take. These locks should be sturdy, difficult to pick, and resistant to tampering. You can also install security cameras and alarms around your home, which will help deter potential intruders from targeting your property in the first place.

It is also very important that you regularly check your locks for signs of tampering or damage. In the event of any irregularities, you should contact a professional locksmith immediately. An expert can assess the situation and make any necessary repairs or replacements.

How do you pick a lock with scissors?

Picking a lock with scissors involves a few different methods. In order to create an improvised tension wrench, you can use a paperclip or bobby pin to create the tension wrench, which can then be used in conjunction with a scissors blade to manipulate the pins within the lock, successfully unlocking it. This process requires some practice and patience, but it is certainly possible to pick a lock using just scissors.

No matter which method you choose, it is important to practice before attempting to use your scissors to pick a lock in a real-life situation. This will help ensure that you are prepared and have the necessary skills to successfully unlock the door or safe. With some practice and patience, you should be able to pick any lock with scissors in no time at all. Good luck!

How can I make my lock more difficult to pick?

There are a few different things that you can do to make your lock more difficult to pick. One of the most important is to invest in high-quality locks for your doors and windows. These locks should be sturdy, difficult to pick, and resistant to tampering. You can also install security cameras and alarms around your home, which will help deter potential intruders from targeting your property in the first place.

One more thing that you can do is to regularly inspect your locks for signs of tampering or damage. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, it is important to contact a professional locksmith right away.

What is pick gun?

A pick gun is a small handheld device that is used to manipulate the pins within a lock in order to unlock it. This type of tool is often used by professional locksmiths and security experts who need to quickly access locked doors or safes without damaging or destroying the lock. The pick gun typically consists of a small metal rod with a pointed end, which is typically pressed against the keyway and used to manipulate the pins within the lock.

Some pick guns also include a small attachment that holds a tension wrench, which can be used along with the metal rod in order to increase leverage and make it easier to manipulate the lock. Overall, a pick gun is an essential tool for anyone who needs quick and easy access to locked doors or safes.

How does a pick gun work?

A pick gun typically works by pressing the metal rod against the keyway and then using the pointed end to manipulate the pins within the lock. This process can be repeated several times in order to successfully unlock the door or safe. Some pick guns also include a small attachment that holds a tension wrench, which can be used in conjunction with the metal rod to increase leverage and make it easier to manipulate the lock.

Finally, the pick gun works by using pressure to push or pull on individual pins within the lock, which ultimately causes them to move into place and unlock the door or safe. This process typically requires some practice, but it is certainly possible to successfully unlock a door or safe using just a pick gun.

Can I use a paperclip to pick a lock?

While it is possible to use a paperclip to pick a lock, it is generally not recommended. This is because paperclips are not designed for this purpose and can easily bend or break when trying to pick a lock. Plus, paperclips are not as sturdy as other tools that can be used for lock picking, such as a tension wrench or a metal rod.

Ultimately, it is best to avoid using a paperclip to pick a lock and instead opt for one of the other tools that are specifically designed for this purpose. However, there may be times when using a paperclip is necessary, especially if you are in a bind and do not have access to any other tools.

In these situations, it can be helpful to carefully bend the paperclip into the shape of a small hook before attempting to pick the lock. This will give you more leverage and make it easier to successfully pick the lock.

What is a tension wrench?

A tension wrench is a small tool that is inserted into the keyway along with the pick in order to provide added leverage when picking the lock. The tension wrench is typically placed in the bottom of the keyway and used to apply pressure to the pins while the pick is used to manipulate them. This added pressure can make it much easier to successfully pick the lock.

Additionally, the tension wrench can also be used to hold the pins in place after they have been moved into the correct position, which will prevent them from moving back out of place and causing the lock to become re-locked.

Ultimately, a tension wrench is an essential tool for anyone who needs to quickly and easily access locked doors or safes. It is also important to note that there are several different types of tension wrenches, each of which has a slightly different purpose or function. Some tension wrenches have smooth surfaces, while others have more textured surfaces in order to provide more grip and make it easier to apply pressure.

Moreover, some tension wrenches are specifically designed to fit into a particular type of lock, while others can be used with multiple types of locks. Ultimately, choosing the right tension wrench can be helpful in making it easier to successfully pick the lock and get quick access to the contents inside.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What locks can be picked?

Locks can be picked in many different ways and for the most part, anyone with a few good locksmith tools will easily be able to pick any standard padlock or door lock. Some people even make homemade picks out of household items like paper clips, tweezers and even credit cards!

The most common type of lock that is usually picked is the pin tumbler lock, which is used on most standard door locks and padlocks. These types of locks have a series of pins that need to be aligned in order for the lock to open. A good pick can easily manipulate these pins and allow the user to open the lock without any trouble.

Another type of lock that can be picked is the wafer lock. This type of lock uses a series of discs, known as wafers, to keep the door or padlock closed. A pick can also be used to manipulate these wafers and open up this type of lock fairly easily.

Some types of high tech locks are also vulnerable to picks.

Which lock is hardest to pick?

It depends on the skills of the person picking the lock and the type of lock itself. However, some people say that tubular locks are the hardest type of lock to pick. This is because these locks have a series of pins that need to be aligned in a precise way in order for the lock to open. This can be a difficult task for even the most experienced lock picker.

Can all door locks be picked?

No, door locks can’t be picked because they usually have a special type of lock that is designed to prevent them from being opened. Some locks are designed with complex mechanisms and others are designed with more simple designs which make it difficult for people to pick the lock. Some locks can even be opened by using special tools such as key extractors. However, the majority of door locks can’t be picked.


That’s how to pick a lock with a pencil in a short but effective guide with clear instructions and tips. Make sure to smooth your key if the door lock feels sticky and then take advantage of your stationery to quickly open the door, so you can enter the house as soon as possible.

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